I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. But if you’re looking for a myopic and self-aggrandizing creative, you’re in the wrong place. What I do have is a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you – if you happen to be the person in charge of replenishing breakfast buffets. But if you hire me, I will find you. But please send me your address and directions…my ex changed her Wi-Fi password and I’m out of data.
As a Creative Director, I've managed teams working on everything from social, digital, experiential to broadcast. I've wrangled low-budget-no-permit-just-act-like-you-belong-there shoots in grocery parking lots to wildly expensive productions for global clients in far off lands like Cape Town, South Africa.
But most of all, I enjoy helping creatives hone their craft as a fellow Creative. As for the Director side of my responsibilities, my style is: lead by example and live with kindness. Turns out, you can do this job without being a complete and utter (insert expletive of your choice here) and still be incredibly effective.
Freelance Creative Director - Portland, LA, & New York
Creative Director
April 2023 - Present
Sid Lee - Los Angeles, CA
Creative Director of Social & Copy
June 2022 - April 2023
Oliver Agency - New York City, NY
Associate Creative Director/Copywriter
March 2020 - May 2022
Freelance - New York City, NY
Freelance Associate Creative Director/Copywriter
January 2020 - March 2020
Saatchi & Saatchi - New York City, NY
Associate Creative Director
October 2018 - January 2020
Havas Worldwide - New York City, NY
Associate Creative Director
November 2015 - October 2018
HUGE - New York City, NY
Freelance ACD/Copywriter
September 2015 - November 2015
Saatchi & Saatchi - New York City, NY
Integrated Creative
May 2013 - September 2015
Hudson Rouge - New York City, NY
Integrated Copywriter
August 2012 - May 2013
Freelance Creative - New York City, NY
September 2011 - August 2012
Tribal DDB/TracyLocke - Dallas, TX
Interactive Copywriter
March 2010 - September 2011
JWT & Wunderman @ Team Detroit - Dearborn, MI
Junior Copywriter
2009 - 2010
volunteer work
American Association of Advertising Agencies
MAIP Mentor & Coach
2010 - 2021
University of Texas at Austin
MA Advertising, Texas Creative
Boston College
BA English